Responding to FuseDesk Cases

Now that you’ve reviewed the case, it’s time to take action!

Once a case has been linked to a contact, you’ll be able to perform various case actions.

Case actions include:

Reply by Email

The most common action you’ll perform on a case is replying by email.

By default, we show your default reply template and default reply template category for the case’s department so you can just start typing a reply, or easily find an alternate email template in the same category.

All emails that you send out, like all emails that come in, are saved to the Contact record in Infusionsoft.

Add a Note

If you’re speaking with your customers by phone or looking to add an internal note, you can do that right form the Note tab. Type out a short title for your note, and then details for your note below. Then click to save the note as either an internal note for you and your team or as a phone call with the customer.

All notes are saved on the contact record in Infusionsoft.

Run Automation

The beauty of FuseDesk’s deep integration to Infusionsoft is that you can easily run automation on the linked contact right form FuseDesk.

This means you can apply an Infusionsoft Tag which can kick off an Infusionsoft Campaign or run an Infusionsoft Legacy Action Set.

This automation allows you to leverage the full power of Infusionsoft. Applying the right Infusionsoft Tag can perform automations like canceling a customer’s subscription, flagging them as a hot prospect, creating a new subscription, creating an order, upgrading a membership, resetting a login, and so much more!

Manage Case Tags

Case Tags in FuseDesk are different from Infusionsoft Tags. Infusionsoft Tags apply to individual Infusionsoft Contacts. FuseDesk Case Tags apply to individual FuseDesk Cases.

From the Case Tags tab, you can review already applied Case Tags, apply an existing Case Tag, create and apply a new Case Tag, or remove an already applied Case Tag.

These help you and your team to organize your cases, more easily find your cases later, and run reports based on Case Tag.

Review Feedback

If you have feedback enabled for the department this case is assigned to, you’ll have the option to not request feedback on a case or request feedback now on a closed case.

If feedback was already requested, you’ll see when it was requested, and if a rating or feedback was left, you’ll see the star rating and feedback.

Merge Case

Sometimes you need to merge two cases that should really be one. If you don’t merge the cases from a case queue, you can easily merge them right from an individual case.

On the Merge tab, you’ll see your recently viewed cases listed. Select the other case that you’d like to merge into this case, and all case history will be merged and the two cases will become one.

You can not undo a case merge so merge with care!

Split Case

Sometimes your customers will change topics on a case as you resolve one issue, or they’ll reply to an old case with a different question. This is a great time to split a case into a new case to maintain accurate metrics.

After clicking Split, you’ll be able to choose where you want to split the case and a new case will get created for you from that point forward in time.

Ready to transfer a case to a colleague? Click into the next lesson to learn more!